How to track Squarespace contact form submits as Google Ads conversions (2022)

If you’re not running a e-commerce website, it can sometimes be unclear what conversions to track. Contact form is a good place to start. Here’s how.

In this tutorial we’ll be tracking Squarespace contact form submits using Google Tag Manager. This example is for tracking Google Ads conversions, but the same idea will work for any other conversion tracking, such as Meta Pixel tracking, or sending a custom event to Google Analytics.

Tracking steps

Go to your Squarespace contact form. Add this as the post-submit html

In Google ads, create a conversion. Pick Google Tag Manager as the method for installation.

Squarespace contact form submit tracking in Google Ads. Installation

Install Google Tag Manager to Squarespace. Copy paste the snippet to Settings -> Advanced -> Code injection -> Header

Installing Google tag Manager to Squarespace

In Google Tag Manager, create a Google Ads conversion linker tag.

Google Tag Manager conversion linker tag

In Google Tag Manager, create a Google Ads conversion tag. Copy paste the conversion id and conversion ID from Google Ads to Google Tag Manager.

Google Tag Manager Google ads conversion tag

In Google Tag Manager create a new trigger. Custom event. Use contact-form-submit as the event name. Use this new trigger as the trigger to fire your Google Ads Conversion tag.

Google Tag Manager trigger for Squarespace contact form google ads conversions

Preview using Google Tag Assistant and test.

The conversion should turn from this…

Squarespace contact form submit tracking in Google Ads with Google Tag Manager - unverified

…to this

Squarespace contact form submit tracking in Google Ads with Google Tag Manager - no recent conversions

Need help?

If you want 1-on-1 help you can hit me up at @hire


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