Dark Mode for Squarespace (2022)

Squarespace Dark Mode macbook website

Twitter has dark mode. Youtube has Dark mode. Facebook has dark mode. It’s popular and users expect it. But does Squarespace have dark mode?

Squarespace and dark mode. A match made in heaven. Wouldn’t you just love to have this in your site?

Edit April 2022
I’ve now released my Automatic Dark Mode plugin for Squarespace. It has beautiful animations, automatic mode and a button. Easy to install with no coding. It’s the best dark mode plugin available. 👉 Get it here 👈

30s video


Dark Mode Plugin Demo & All Features

Does Squarespace have a dark mode?

Squarespace does not have a built-in dark mode, but there are great plugins available. There are paid plugins and free tutorials. The Squarespace 7.1 the dark mode plugins nearly perfect because they use the Squarespace 7.1 color themes.

❗️What is the best Dark Mode plugin for Squarespace 7.1? Check this blog post to find out.

The dark mode UI/UX

Before it’s release on iOS, the dark mode was highly anticipated feature. After it’s release, it’s a feature loved by many. More and more websites are adding support and for a good reason. In the night, a bright screen can feel like it’s burning your retinas. There’s a growing number of popular Chrome dark mode -extensions which also tells us that this is a very popular feature with a huge demand for users.

Dark mode on websites

Automatic dark mode — based on user preference

A nice example of automatic dark mode depending on user preference can be seen at YouTube. The website follows the user preference.

Manual dark mode — button on a website

I’ve first started to see this trend on type designer websites. For example, I love the elegant simplicity of Shick Toikka’s website and their stylish button that toggles on/off the dark mode. A very important feature for type designers as the the tone of the typefaces changes with the color.

(EDIT: Shick Toikka has since added a 4 colour switcher)

The New Zealand base type design studio Klim has a similar toggle (however a small latency and reload can be detected currently 2021)

Squarespace dark mode?

Today a reddit user asked how to add dark mode to Squarespace.

Looking for existing solutions I found only a few articles on Squarespace dark mode. For example this article from Thompson Web Design. However it only works on Brine family of Squarespace 7.0
Same with this nice tutorial on youtube.

Dark mode with Squarespace 7.1 using the section color themes

I decided to spend a few weeks developing a Squarespace dark mode plugin that does just that. It’s heavily inspired by the Shick Toikka website UI.

So, the Squarespace dark mode plugin is now released. Buy it, try it, love it and tell me how to improve it! Buy the Squarespace dark mode plugin here

Automatic Dark Mode
from $39.00

”Best dark mode plugin for Squarespace on the market. No weird workarounds or CSS mess, Fenix knows what he’s doing.”
— Aaron Rolston / studiomesa.co

Quick demo video

Longer video describing the nerdy details

This is one of my favourite plugins I’ve created. It’s simple, it’s elegant. It’s easy to install and it’s super flexible because it uses the built-in section themes and Squarespace 7.1 color palettes. I really hope you’ll enjoy it.

More info on Dark Mode for Squarespace

How to change the logo for dark mode?

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P.S. hire a pro Squarespace developer

If you want to hire one of the best Squarespace developer, I’m currently available for freelance work. Send an email to @info or send a WhatsApp message. WhatsApp often makes it a lot quicker to get down to coding.


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