Wix Custom HTML iFrame issues - cropping, clipping & resizing

Wix has a super annoying feature. Whenever we add a custom widget like and iFrame into our page, it has a second set of iFrames ourside as a wrapper or a sand box.

This causes most iframe widgets in Wix not work at all. Many iframes widgets like Acuity Schedulign for example resize dynamically. So depending on if you’re at a page with little content it takes less space. If you click to a second part in your iFrame with a lot of fields to fill, it takes more vertical space. And Wix clips or crops your iFrame.

My clients have seen huge drops in conversion rates because of this issue. It’s simply not possible to add a fixed height to an element. In mobile devices the height it different than on a desktop as desktop has more room horizontally.

The way to fix the issue is adding a button to a page, and using custom javascript to turn the button into our desired iframe widget.

wix custom html iframe sandbox issue

If you’d like this problem fixed on our Wix site, get in touch. I’m now building a product – basically a copy-pasteable snippet you can purchase which will fix the Wix iframe sizing, clipping and cropping issues.

This also makes conversion tracking of iFrame widgets in WIX much more difficult. We often want to prepopulate hidden fields with UTM parameters, but we cannot do this if there is an extra iFrame between our WIX site and our iFrame widget.


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